Monday 31 March 2008


Well, it's Monday and I weigh myself every Monday. I had the same weight as last week. I have noticed a pattern... Every two weeks nothing have happened and the week after I loose about 1 kg. It has been like this for the last six weeks I think. The good part is that I know I am doing what I am supposed to, so I think my body just need some extra time to adjust. I will loose weight, I will get fit and I will succeed! It's just taking a bit longer than I hoped for...

Well, it's not an option to give up - this is the way I live now. If I continue I can't fail!

The good part is that I feel so good and I can actually look at myself in the mirror without getting disgusted - that is worth a lot...

Thank you for the strength to change my life!

1 comment:

MoorFlax said...

Vadå "a bit longer than I hoped for..."??
Du har ju gått ner nästan sju kilo!
Det är ju apbra!!
Du är grymt duktig och jag tycker mig se på bilden att det skett en förändring.
Lycka till i fortsättningen, jag håller på dig!