Thursday 15 May 2008


I have started jogging outside and it's great! :) Last week when I was in Sweden I was jogging 5 km and that was ok. I also went cycling - 30 km. I am just getting better and better!

I can also see the difference and I get so many compliments. I have also noticed that men are noticing me much more. Don't know wether it's because I look better, or if it's because I feel better now when I loose weight and get more fit. Suppose it's a combination. I feel beatiful and I think the sparkles in my eyes are back!

My PT said something interesting today. He said: See yourself as an artist. You are sculpturing your new body. Sometimes when I feel down and want to eat sweets I should remember that it's not worth it.

One other thing he said is that I am able to do so many things that others can't do. I am capable of doing so much, a lot more than others. I know it's silly, but I feel a bit better knowing that I am doing a good job. We all have our challanges.