Wednesday, 13 February 2008

1st session

Now I have done the first workout session. Wow! It was really hard and my PT said he was taking it easy because I just have had a cold... Oh my God! I don't think I have ever done a work out that hard...

Pathetic! I thought I was quite good, going for walks and going to the gym five days a week. I don't even use 50% of my capacity (my own calculation)!

I still think this is good and a great investment. I know it is expensive - I will pay £140 for one month of four sessions with my PT.

It is a bit scary and I was a bit nervous before this session as well. I think I am nervous because I have always been overweight and I don't really know what it's like to be slim and fit. I try to create an image in my head, of how I will look like, but it is difficult.

Variables for success:
Reset my mind.
I am determind to succeed!
It's all in my head!
If I think positive and think that this is my new way of life and that I will get slim - I will succeed.

I can't give up. Can't waste my money by giving up.

Now it's time - time for my new life...

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